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FRAME: The frame of the cross shaft power press is made using thick steel sheets, which are cut by sinking welded and stress-relived prior machining in order to eliminate any residual tensions. Methods of calculations are used for carrying out dimensions study to make sure there is maximum strength against any deformation even under the highest rated load.
DRIVE: Completely enclosed, single-geared and well-designed drive with main shafts supported at three bearing points situated near by each other enable to achieve sturdiness and eliminate cantilever action. Complete enclosed and precisely cut gears run in oil bath with flywheel and back shaft run in anti friction bearings enable to achieve quiet and vibration-free operation. Client can also avail non geared drive upto 100T.
ECCENTRIC SHAFT: This essential power press component is obtained from forged carbon steel. The shaft undergoes inspection and testing before machining, for instance chemical & metallographic test, and ultra-sound inspection. Eccentric shaft is ground finished on bearing surfaces. Heavy Walled Nickle phosphorous Bronze is used for all main Bearings which are further hand scrapped.
SLIDE: The slide made from graded cast iron runs on six independent, extra long gibs featuring replaceable liners. It is easier to adjust the bearing clearance bronze on the gibs. The large slide presents wide area and extra long gibs provide high degree of centering and rigidly at an extension of the adjustment.
ELECTRICAL CONTROLS: The dual solenoid valve provided on the press prevents faulty operation by electrical lockout. The other controls include Top Stop to stop the press at top Dead Centre, Two Hand Engagement Device, Emergency Stop, and a lockable selector switch of ONCE, INCH and CONTINUOUS operation mode. The electric equipment is in compliance with the latest safety.
SLIDE COUNTER BALANCE: The weight of the slide and tooling is countered with the help of pneumatic counter balancer. It is helpful in achieving bearing clearance, easing slide adjustment, smooth slide movement and effective braking.
PNEUMATIC CLUTCH - BRAKE:The single - disc clutch is known for safe & quick operations, self-ventilation, better performance, continues joint-free stroke and no requirement of adjustment to correct wear on the facings.
LUBRICATION: A central pump through capillary distributive system controls the automatic lubrication of all moving parts.